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Change is an inevitable factor in human life from the time we are born. We often retreat from change in fear of facing challenges, failures and uncertainties. We tend to give numerous reasons to justify our choice to reject the change that's coming. Embracing change in life is rather an art of living which is difficult to master. But, little do we know that the neurons in our brains are malleable to support the change, which is termed as Neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the dynamism of neural structure in our brains. Studies have shown that our neurons are capable of adapting to change within days if we deliberately practice something that we want to master. It relates to the saying "Practice Makes Perfect". Neuroplasticity plays a key role in evolutionary adaptation to support mankind to learn from experience and continue to survive. For instance, a person who struggles to get up early in the morning faces the challenge of maintaining punc


SELF-REFLECTION in leadership is crucial for sustainability and for contribution from a leader to take place. This is applicable for political and corporate leadership. Leaders sometimes fail to self-reflect or analyze their strength, weaknesses and whether their actions are in tandem with people’s needs and favour. Self-reflection gives information on leadership performance. Some leaders fail to do this as they are in a comfortable mindset where they only believe their actions are always correct. They develop this illusion of high confidence and, coupled with ego, is where they fall into a trap. This prevents them from self-reflecting or accepting their mistakes. But one may ask, how can I self-reflect? Willingness and openness are important behaviours that leaders must possess for self-reflection. Then, various approaches can be implemented to obtain information on leadership performance. One of the best methods is by listening to people’s

The ‘STAYING BACK’ Culture Still Prevalent in Many Organizations

Are your working hours from 9 am to 6pm yet you are not able to leave at six? And if you go back on time, your boss may not like it. This is a common situation among most local private organizations. There are many organizations that practice this “staying back culture” where employees are indirectly prevented from going back on time. My interviews with employees from various organizations reveal that more than 90% of them stay back due to the demands of their immediate superiors and not because of workload. From my observation, most employees delay their daily work as they have to stay back anyway. Some years ago, I joined the management team of a private education institution and my working hours were from 9 am to 6pm. However, I left at around 6.30pm daily which I already considered it as late. On third day on the job, one of my colleague advised me to stay back until 8pm or 8.30pm. I told my colleague that I had done my work for the day. However, she w

MAY 13

1. Yesterday marked 50 years of a dreadful day. The day which took away the lives of many, including innocent children, babies, and elderly people. 2. It was a significant day, which indicated that racial fire took over humanity ;   the day which blindfolded many human beings to go after flesh and blood of their fellow brothers and sisters of the same country they belong to. 3. I have interviewed many people who have witnessed this racial war. They have shared about how wild and uncivilized a human being can be in the name of race and religion shocked and shuddered me.   4. These eye-witnesses who came from all different races told me one thing in common, “ This Racial or Religious War should Never Happen Again! ” 5. As Gandhi said, an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind . It’s an utter truth that vengeance aided with violence has no end, but resulting in total disaster for all.  6. 13 th of May, 1969 has taught us the


1.      DAY by day, the number of parents who are neglected and sent to old folks homes is on the rise. 2.      Many working children today are busy, and some of them tend to prioritise and focus on their own family matters most of the time. 3.      They fail to see their parents as their family member but as a third party in many situations. 4.      Taking care and giving primary care to their parents are becoming a burden to these working families nowadays. Some even complain that they are not able to manage the cost incurred in taking care of their father or mother and it is cheaper to send them to old folks homes. 5.      A friend of mine sent his parent to a nursing home with the excuse that there is no place in his house but has built a special room for his two dogs. 6.      Based on feedback from a few old folks homes, in most cases, children fail to visit their parents upon placing them in these homes. They just pay the mon


1.IN my experience working in the human resources field with local as well as multinational organisations, I am always astonished each time I see people becoming “yes-men” for personal gain. 2.The human resources field has given me an avenue to interact with a diverse group of people.As a professional, I have values and integrity that I will not compromise. 3.One of it is to not put on an act of liking a person as well as fabricate compliments to a superior — in other words, to “butter up” and “apple-polish” the boss to gain a safe or higher position in the organisational hierarchy. 4.It is very shocking to see people who talk bad about their superiors behind their backs but praise them when they meet them in person. This is totally unacceptable. 5.Once, I asked my friend, “Why do you pretend to be nice to your boss when he is with you but criticise him behind his back?”. The reply was, “I have to act as if I like him in order to survive here long.” 6.I have ob