
Showing posts from October, 2019


Change is an inevitable factor in human life from the time we are born. We often retreat from change in fear of facing challenges, failures and uncertainties. We tend to give numerous reasons to justify our choice to reject the change that's coming. Embracing change in life is rather an art of living which is difficult to master. But, little do we know that the neurons in our brains are malleable to support the change, which is termed as Neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity refers to the dynamism of neural structure in our brains. Studies have shown that our neurons are capable of adapting to change within days if we deliberately practice something that we want to master. It relates to the saying "Practice Makes Perfect". Neuroplasticity plays a key role in evolutionary adaptation to support mankind to learn from experience and continue to survive. For instance, a person who struggles to get up early in the morning faces the challenge of maintaining punc


SELF-REFLECTION in leadership is crucial for sustainability and for contribution from a leader to take place. This is applicable for political and corporate leadership. Leaders sometimes fail to self-reflect or analyze their strength, weaknesses and whether their actions are in tandem with people’s needs and favour. Self-reflection gives information on leadership performance. Some leaders fail to do this as they are in a comfortable mindset where they only believe their actions are always correct. They develop this illusion of high confidence and, coupled with ego, is where they fall into a trap. This prevents them from self-reflecting or accepting their mistakes. But one may ask, how can I self-reflect? Willingness and openness are important behaviours that leaders must possess for self-reflection. Then, various approaches can be implemented to obtain information on leadership performance. One of the best methods is by listening to people’s