
Showing posts from March, 2019


1.IN my experience working in the human resources field with local as well as multinational organisations, I am always astonished each time I see people becoming “yes-men” for personal gain. 2.The human resources field has given me an avenue to interact with a diverse group of people.As a professional, I have values and integrity that I will not compromise. 3.One of it is to not put on an act of liking a person as well as fabricate compliments to a superior — in other words, to “butter up” and “apple-polish” the boss to gain a safe or higher position in the organisational hierarchy. 4.It is very shocking to see people who talk bad about their superiors behind their backs but praise them when they meet them in person. This is totally unacceptable. 5.Once, I asked my friend, “Why do you pretend to be nice to your boss when he is with you but criticise him behind his back?”. The reply was, “I have to act as if I like him in order to survive here long.” 6.I have ob


1.MANY years ago, I met a spiritual master who told me that “if you realise that your life will end at any moment, then it is likely that you will not commit any sins”. 2.This statement stopped me from committing many mistakes. 3.Likewise, if we have thoughts that one day we will turn into dust, we would pause to think before committing bad deeds. 4.We often fail to see this definitive truth in life, which has led us to commit sins in life. 5.It could be in the form of greed, envy, lust, being untruthful and cheating someone. 6.In the rush for materialistic comforts, we often compromise and commit much immorality. 7.Human beings don’t realise that material gain or joy achieved in this life is temporary. 8.It is an undeniable truth that no joy or pain will remain forever. 9.We fail to realise that physical beauty, wealth, pride, fame, luxury, power or whatever material elements we possess will cease to matter after death. 10.We will los


1.FRUSTRATION, work pressure, relationship issues and worry can stress a person out. 2.These emotions cause an excessive production of stress hormones, such as cortisol, leading to mental health problems in the long run. It can either be neurotic or psychotic, or both. 3.According to medical journals, 90 per cent of stress problems are work-related. Statistics show that one in three Malaysians suffers from some form of mental health problem. 4.It is said that stress is a catalyst for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, as well as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory and cognitive problems. 5.Besides physical complications, stress can affect relationship and productivity. 6.In the worst-case scenario, it can lead one to commit suicide when he or she is depressed and not able to cope. 7.As an educator, practitioner and researcher of stress management techniques over the past 15 years, I have found mindfulness to be one of the best techniques