
Showing posts from January, 2019


1.IT is very sad and frustrating to see some corporate leaders managing their staff poorly. 2.There is no care, concern or love towards their fellow subordinates. These arrogant bosses merely want their staff to respect them and follow all their instructions without any question. Those who are against them are likely to fall into the “blacklist” category. 3.Employees are sometimes threatened to follow all the instructions from the superiors although some may be irrelevant to their job scope. 4.If an employee fails to follow the instruction from his superior, increment, commission, bonus and promotion are at risk. Sometimes even a departmental transfer will be exercised as punishment for those who are not “yes man”. 5.Most of these corporate leaders nowadays do not want their subordinates to voice out anything against them. 6.Such bosses expect their subordinates to adhere to all their requirements all the time. Generally, these c


1. WE often get swept into the sea of busyness in the pursuit for happiness. Every human being is working towards achieving happiness in every aspect of life. 2. A spiritual master once told me that the final expectation of every activity or action that we do is towards attaining the end result of happiness. 3. However, many have forgotten that happiness is a journey and not a destination. If you can’t be happy in this very second, it is difficult to be later. 4. At this juncture, I recall a true incident which happened at a “goal setting” workshop I attended sometime ago. This programme was conducted by a renowned Malaysian psychologist. 5. During one of the sessions, there was an activity where the trainer requested all the participants to write down their future goals and their action plan to achieve these objectives. 6. One of the participants who happened to be an insurance agent drafted an unique goal and action plan. His goal was